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高性能视频编码(HEVC)相比目前的国际视频编码标准H.264/AVC有着更高的视频压缩比,但同时也带来了更大的编码计算复杂度。为了降低该计算复杂度,提出了一种快速HEVC帧间预测模式。统计了HEVC中最大出现概率的预测单元(PU)模式,分析了相邻两帧之间的编码单元(CU)和Pu之间的时域相关性,分析了对应CU分块与其空间上相邻的4个CU之间的相关性。根据分析的最大出现概率的Pu模式,以及时域相关性和空域相关性,跳过当前最大编码单元中各层CU中冗余的Pu模式,从而降低了编码的计算复杂度。实验结果显示,与HEVC测试模型HM7.0相比,该算法能在保持视频质量和视频压缩比基本不变的情况下,降低32.2%~52.4%的编码时间。  相似文献   
作为永久散射体雷达干涉测量技术的延伸,多基线SAR层析成像技术能够分离单个SAR像素内的多重散射体信号,精确地获取人工地物目标的三维位置和形变信息,突破城市地区形变监测中叠掩效应的制约,实现城市动态形变监测。尤其是新代高分辨军SAR卫星发射成功后,为城市动态形变监测研究提供了大量高分辨军高精度数据源。本文首先介绍SAR层析技术的理论模型,然后归纳了现有的层析算法和应用领域,最后探讨了该技术发展面临的关键问题并展望了其广阔发展前景。  相似文献   
《Urban geography》2013,34(4):488-510
This paper considers the interrelationship between residential occupancy status, blight, and crime. An analytical frame is provided for a fine-scale analysis that is sufficiently flexible to capture both spatial and temporal dynamism in field-collected data. Unlike other works linking crime to evidence of disorder within neighborhoods, this paper considers this relationship in terms of neighborhoods affected by an external event (natural disaster), which results in more dynamic spatial and temporal patterns as the neighborhood is in a state of flux. As a result, new means of data collection and analysis are required, as any fine-scale relationship is longitudinal as well as cross sectional. The focus here is on the interrelationship of post-disaster residential occupancy, building conditions, and crime incidence for the Holy Cross neighborhood of New Orleans as it recovers from Hurricane Katrina. Results suggest that crime is inversely related to the amount of activity on a recovering street.  相似文献   
莒县国土资源局干部职工通过走进基层、走进群众中间,摸排国土资源信访矛盾,查找信访苗头线索,及时制定应对方案,筑牢接访三道防线,努力将矛盾化解在萌芽状态,信访工作取得明显成效。  相似文献   
This study presents an analysis of the application of underwater video data collected for training and validating benthic habitat distribution models. Specifically, we quantify the two major sources of error pertaining to collection of this type of reference data. A theoretical spatial error budget is developed for a positioning system used to co-register video frames to their corresponding locations at the seafloor. Second, we compare interpretation variability among trained operators assessing the same video frames between times over three hierarchical levels of a benthic classification scheme. Propagated error in the positioning system described was found to be highly correlated with depth of operation and varies from 1.5m near the surface to 5.7m in 100m of water. In order of decreasing classification hierarchy, mean overall observer agreement was found to be 98% (range 6%), 82% (range 12%) and 75% (range 17%) for the 2, 4, and 6 class levels of the scheme, respectively. Patterns in between-observer variation are related to the level of detail imposed by each hierarchical level of the classification scheme, the feature of interest, and to the amount of observer experience.  相似文献   
HiPAP100水下定位系统在海底摄像中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析了HiPAP100高精度声学定位系统及其水下定位原理,阐述了影响水声传播的因素及HiPAP100的解决办法,介绍了水下定位系统在我国海洋区域地质调查海底摄像测站作业中的应用,分析比较海底摄像常规定位与HiPAP100超短基线的定位精度,说明水下定位在海底摄像等水下拖曳和定点作业中的必要性和重要性。  相似文献   
视频会议系统在气象行业应用较广,近年来随着多点(会议室)会议需求增加,设备复杂度提高,原有分立、单独管理模式对人员造成较大的压力。以湖北省气象局所建的数字化视频会议系统为例,在需求分析基础上,结合气象部门的信息网络条件,提出了基于数字化集中控制的视频会议系统建设方案。通过集中配备主要设备,对综合信号进行远程采集、分配,以数字化中控系统进行网络集中控制管理的方式,实现了召开多会议室、多会议模式的视频会议功能。业务应用情况表明,该方案既保证了视频会议效果和会场分布规模,又提高了管理效率,对同类系统的构建具有较好的参考价值。  相似文献   
目前山东省气象部门已有多部移动气象台投入业务使用,在防御气象灾害和突发气象事件应急服务中发挥了重要作用。由于移动气象台通信(通过通信卫星连接互联网和气象局内音旷网)费用高,且需提前向运营商申请增加宽带以满足视频会商需求,因此提出了利用3G通信技术,建立VPDN网络访问气象局内部网络,来实现移动气象台和济南市气象台视频会商的方案。该方案的应用,大大降低了移动一气象台的通信费用,提高了传输效率。  相似文献   
Satellite services that deliver information about possible oil spills at sea currently use different labels of “confidence” to describe the detections based on radar image processing. A common approach is to use a classification differentiating between low, medium and high levels of confidence. There is an ongoing discussion on the suitability of the existing classification systems of possible oil spills detected by radar satellite images with regard to the relevant significance and correspondence to user requirements. This paper contains a basic analysis of user requirements, current technical possibilities of satellite services as well as proposals for a redesign of the classification system as an evolution towards a more structured alert system. This research work offers a first review of implemented methodologies for the categorisation of detected oil spills, together with the proposal of explorative ideas evaluated by the European Group of Experts on satellite Monitoring of sea-based oil Pollution (EGEMP).  相似文献   
流感监测系统的建立是应对流感大流行的一种极为有效的举措。为此,美国、加拿大、墨西哥、巴西、英国、欧盟、俄罗斯、澳大利亚、新西兰、中国等国家,先后都建立了自己的流感监测系统。为了提高我国流感监测系统的水平,作者选出代表性强、特色显著的美国、欧洲和我国的流感监测系统作为典型,从地理流行病学的角度,着重对流感监测及其数据分析的地理分区、流感疫情动态变化的评价标准等方面进行了比较研究。通过总结先进国家的成熟经验,结合我国的实际情况和需求,作者对我国的流感监测系统提出了改进意见。在综合考虑我国地貌特点、气候分区和管理需要的基础上,建议将现有以秦岭淮河为界划分的南、北两个地理分区,细化为黑吉辽区、京津冀鲁豫区、长江中下游区、闽粤桂琼台区、蒙甘新区、晋陕宁区、渝黔川滇区和青藏区等8个流感监测地理分区;建议将现有流感监测系统引入基于流感样病例占门诊病例百分数的基线,利用归因肺炎及流感的死亡率,计算流感季节基线和流行阈值,以客观地衡量和评价流感流行水平及其严重程度。这些研究成果,不仅对地理流行病学的发展有理论意义,而且也对流感及其他传染病的监测有实用价值。  相似文献   
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